Become A Sponsor

Join Mark Powers in making a positive impact on our listeners’ lives while promoting your brand through the Imagine Better podcast. Together, we can inspire and empower individuals to achieve their best selves.

How to Sponsor:

  • Contact Imagine Better by completing the form on this page to discuss sponsorship opportunities and secure your spot.

Sponsor an Episode or Series:

Sponsorship Levels:

  1. Episode Sponsor
    • Investment: $500 per episode
    • Benefits:
      • Mention as the exclusive sponsor at the beginning and end of the episode
      • Logo and link included in the episode description on all podcast platforms
      • Social media shout-out on all Imagine Better channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok)
      • Mention in the episode’s promotional email to our subscribers
      • Product placement in the episode’s
      • Opportunity to include a brief message or offer (up to 30 seconds) within the episode
  2. Series Sponsor
    • Investment: $2000 for a series of 5 episodes
    • Benefits:
      • Mention as the exclusive sponsor at the beginning and end of each episode in the series
      • Logo and link included in the episode descriptions on all podcast platforms for the entire series
      • Social media shout-out on all Imagine Better channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok) for each episode in the series
      • Mention in the series’ promotional emails to our subscribers
      • Product placement in the episode’s
      • Opportunity to include a brief message or offer (up to 30 seconds) within each episode in the series
      • Featured blog post on Imagine Better website highlighting your business and partnership

Additional Benefits for All Sponsors:

  • Recognition as a supporter of personal growth and positive change
  • Exposure to a dedicated audience interested in self-improvement, health, and wellness
  • Customized partnership opportunities tailored to fit your brand’s goals and objectives
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